Regardless if you are moving hundreds of miles or just down the street, it is going to cost you money. You can try to cut back on certain moving expenses, but it still is going to take some cash to get you to your new place. If you don’t plan for these expenses it can cause a decent amount of stress. There will be places you can cut costs but make sure you have enough saved up to cover any moving costs that may arise.
Moving Supplies
The amount you spend on moving supplies should be pretty low, but you still should include it in your budget. You’ll need to have moving boxes, packing tape, trash bags, and other supplies to effectively pack up your things and get them to your new home. Again, the cost of these supplies will be relatively low compared to some other moving expenses but add it to your budget anyways.
One question you will have to ask yourself is if you can handle moving everything on your own or not. There are plenty of moving companies who can help you get your things to your new place, but that may not be the only option. You could ask a couple of friends or family members to lend you a hand!
Traveling Expenses
If you hire a moving company, they will give you an estimate on how much they will charge, and they will take the distance of your move into account. If you opt to move yourself, there will be other expenses you will have to include in your budget. You will likely have to rent a moving truck. It’s also going to cost you gas money to move with your own car.
Furniture & Décor
If you plan on moving all of your old furniture and décor to your new place, you can skip this section. If you need new furniture and décor, you will want to look into that beforehand. Furniture can be pretty expensive, so this is something you should account for in your budget when moving into a new place.
Stocking the Shelves
When you move to a new home, you will need to spend a little extra at the grocery store to fill up your pantry and refrigerator with food. You likely won’t be able to bring all of the groceries you had at your old place, so account for a bigger grocery bill when you first move in. You will also need to buy other household items if you didn’t bring them from your old place such as dish soap, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, light bulbs, etc. Take an inventory of everything you plan on buying when you move into your new home so you can have a better idea of how much money you will need.